Targeted Case Management
Navigating the state and local systems to find supports can be challenging. Support Coordination is one of the processes that can help you find resources and explore service options. WC Partners offers Targeted Case Management (TCM) services to those who meet state guidelines and eligibility requirements.
What does a Support Coordinator Help With?
Advocacy in the school or community
Information and referrals
Identify needs and develop a plan of action
Discuss service options and authorizations
Updates on service/support changes
Navigating the Process of Support Coordination
Referral Source
Advocate group
Community member
Vocational rehabilitation
First Steps
2. Point of Entry
Springfield Regional Office
1515 E. Pythian
PO Box 5030
Springfield, MO 65801
Phone: (417) 895-7400
Fax: (417) 895-7412
3. Intake Process
Initial application (DMH or WC Partners)
Screening/Assessment (DMH)
Eligibility determination (DMH)
SC assignment (WC Partners)
4. Eligibility Requirements
Intellectual disability occurred prior to age 18
Any other developmental disability occurred prior to age 22
Likely to continue indefinitely
Substantial functional limitations
Lifelong/extended duration
5. Support Coordinator Assigned
Advocacy / information / referrals
Identify needs
Develop a plan of action
Service authorizations