WC Partners Activities

  • WC Partners Activities and Classes

    WC Partners is excited to bring a variety of activities and classes to our community.

    Our goal is to have fun, build social connections and increase skills in self-advocacy and independence that result in living a safe, quality life within a supportive community.

    The programming will reflect interest of individuals in the community. We invite you to share your ideas and thoughts with us as be build a program to meet the specific needs of our community.

Events listed below are hosted at WC Partners' office, unless otherwise noted. Events require registration. Click on the flyer and it will direct you to registration. If you are having difficulty or have questions please contact Lynn Neidigh, Life Educator at 417-630-9132 or your Support Coordinator.

Activities and Events for 2025


In partnership with Empower-abilities, we are excited to host this class which is designed for young adults building skills in self-advocacy, independence and more. Class is held every other Monday starting January 13th - May 5th. from 10:00AM - 12:30 PM. Participants should plan bring their lunch and enjoy social time following the class.

To Register click on the Flyer - Registration will close on Wednesday January 8th.

Questions? Call Lynn at 417-630-9132

Music Therapy

Thursdays - Adults 4:00PM-4:45PM - Youth 5:00PM-5:45PM

  • Session I - January 16th - February 20th

  • Session II - February 27th - April 3rd

  • Session III - April 10th - April 22nd

To Register click on the flyer or contact Lynn at 417-630-9132

NOTE: Registration will close the Monday prior to each session!

Internet Safety

Internet Safety class is designed to help individuals navigate the internet responsibly and understand the risks such as cyber bullying, phishing and privacy concerns etc. Primarily for ages 14 yrs old and up.

Tuesday and Thursday January 21st - 28th from 6:00 PM-7:30PM

To register, click on the flyer or call Lynn at 417-630-1932.

Crafts & Cooking

Alternating the first and third Wednesday of each month. Craft participants will be making crafts to enter into the Marshfield Fair and the Ozark Empire Fair. Cooking participants will learn basic safety and nutrition while we explore microwave cooking recipes.

To Register click on the flyer or call Lynn at 417-630-9132.

NOTE: If a participant needs assistance in class a parent or staff are expected to attend.

Game Night - The last Friday of each month. 6:00Pm-8:00PM at W C Partners. Ages 14 and up

What to Bring: Your favorite Game to share, a snack to share and your own drink!

What will we do? You can play a board game, visit with friends, play cards or just hang out.

TO REGISTER Click on the Flyer! Questions call Lynn at 417-630-9132.

Healthy Relationships - Ages 16 yrs and up

Relationships are hard! We will explore what a healthy relationship looks like and be able to practice what we learn with a Valentine’s themed dinner on the final night. Limited to 10 participants.

To Register Click on the Flyer! Questions? Call Lynn at 417-630-9132.

Driver Permit Class - Ages 14 and up!

Perfect attendance is necessary for successfully passing the written driver permit test.

Student handbook provided. No class if Marshfield Schools are closed due to weather.

To Register Click on the Flyer! Questions? Call/Text Lynn at 417-630-9132.

Family Orientation

An informative one-hour presentation for individuals and families with loved one’s receiving Targeted Case Management. This hour is packed full of information on the Missouri disability system and tips find services and advocate for your needs.

Click on the flyer to register or call/text Lynn at 417-630-9132.